Lost & Damaged
Lost & Damaged Report
Report Generation Popup
Flex Return Screen
Out of Commission Record
Workflow action on Manifests
Lost & Damaged Process
This report provides a comprehensive solution for how to deal with items which are lost or damaged on jobs. The body of the report lists all items missing from a manifest upon return, as well as those marked Out of Commission during or after the job. Delivery of this report includes a Flex workflow modification to mark manifests as 'Lost & Damaged', a process document detailing the steps to follow, and optional training.
Lists all items unreturned or damaged on a job
Quickly inform staff and customers
Recover gear and process repairs promptly
Lists all items unreturned or marked OOC on a single manifest
Includes all relevant job data and the value of all lost/damaged items
A quick and easy way to notify clients, venues, and staff about unreturned or damaged items
Lost & Damaged report
Implementation of Lost & Damaged workflow
Lost & Damaged procedure document
Training (Optional)